4 Quotes & Sayings By Mark H Lytle

Dr. Mark H. Lytle is the founder and president of the National Center for Competency Assurance (NCCA), a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in adult and postsecondary education, and to the development of competency-based standards for higher education. Dr Read more

Lytle is also the creator and director of the NCCA Center for Leadership and Change (CLC), a national center for professional development and continuing education in leadership and change management, which was founded to serve various constituencies of the higher education community. He is a professor of leadership at Idaho State University, where he teaches courses in leadership theory, organization theory, organizational behavior, and organizational development.

Carson was persuaded that many experts either failed to recognize or chose to ignore the potential hazards of pesticides. She was convinced that the weight of her scientific evidence would defeat the skeptics among them. And once the public had the necessary information, citizens could make informed decisions about what Carson believed was a matter of life and death. Mark H. Lytle
She could not be silent even if the men of science, many of them smug experts in white lab coats who promised “better living through chemistry, ” dismissed her warnings as feminine hysteria. Mark H. Lytle
We still talk in terms of conquest, ” she observed. “We still haven’t become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe.” Without hesitating, she delivered her final blow: “I think we’re challenged as mankind has never been challenged before, to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves. Mark H. Lytle